What To Eat Before Drinking Alcohol? Avoiding certain foods before consuming alcohol

Certain meals can improve your general health and lessen the negative consequences of ingesting alcohol in excess if you eat them before drinking. By eating the correct foods, you can reduce alcohol absorption, improve liver function, and maintain a better balance of critical nutrients. The following foods are among the finest to eat before consuming alcohol:


Starting with eggs is a wise decision because they are high in protein. Protein-rich foods, such as eggs, can help you feel fuller longer, slowing the absorption of alcohol and minimizing the chance of late-night eating binges. They give you a consistent energy source, which makes it easier for you to control the effects of alcohol.


Oats are an excellent choice due to their high fiber and protein content. The fiber in oats slows the absorption of alcohol, allowing for a steady release of energy. Oats are also known to promote liver function, which aids in the detoxification process.

Yogurt made in Greece

Consuming a serving of Greek yogurt before drinking can be advantageous. Greek yogurt contains protein, carbs, and healthy fats. This mixture fills you up and slows the absorption of alcohol. Greek yogurt’s protein and fat content contribute to blood sugar stabilization and give you continuous energy throughout the evening.


Avocados, which are strong in monounsaturated fat and potassium, can aid in reducing the effects of alcohol. Avocados’ monounsaturated fats reduce the body’s absorption of alcohol, and potassium maintains the proper balance of electrolytes. This concoction lessens the likelihood of suffering from severe hangover symptoms and helps maintain optimal water levels.

Seeds and Nuts

Nuts and seeds contain important nutrients that can prevent the detrimental effects of alcohol. They are high in fiber, protein, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. These nutrients work together to promote normal biological activities like hydration, neuron function, and bone health, all of which can be hampered by alcohol consumption.

Sweet potatoes

Including sweet potatoes in your pre-drinking dinner is a sensible decision. Sweet potatoes contain a high concentration of complex carbs, which take longer to digest. This delayed digesting process helps manage blood sugar levels and maintains energy levels for a longer amount of time, reducing the likelihood of feeling tired throughout the drinking session.

Choosing the correct foods before drinking alcohol can significantly affect how your body metabolizes and responds to it. Incorporating these foods into your pre-drinking meal will help delay alcohol absorption, improve liver function, balance electrolytes, and keep blood sugar levels steady.


Hummus, which contains a healthy balance of fat, protein, and carbohydrates, is an excellent snack before drinking. It’s a very wonderful choice for someone trying to get a lot of protein from plants.

Pudding with Chia

Chia pudding is not only delicious and simple to prepare, but it is also high in nutrients, which can help prevent a nasty hangover. Chia seeds are a great source of fiber and protein.

(If you don’t want the full-on pudding, you can mix them into a smoothie before heading out), but mixing them with Greek yogurt might enhance the protein, keeping you satiated for longer.

Avoiding certain foods before consuming alcohol

  1. Being aware of the foods to avoid before consuming alcohol is just as important as choosing nutritious items to eat before a night out.
  2. Alcohol can sometimes cause gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is characterized by heartburn, nausea, and belching.
  3. If you have GERD or are prone to indigestion, you should avoid eating spicy foods, chocolate, carbonated beverages, and caffeine before drinking
  4. Furthermore, salty foods such as potato chips, pretzels, and crackers may exacerbate alcohol-induced bloating and fluid buildup.

What should you eat before drinking alcohol?

  1. Protein power: Pack in proteins (eggs, salmon, yogurt, lean chicken, beans) as they slow down how fast your body absorbs alcohol.
  2. Complex carbs for the win: Go with whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, whole-wheat bread), sweet potatoes, or oatmeal for sustained energy and slower alcohol absorption.
  3. Healthy fats to the rescue: Avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil contain good fats that also help slow down alcohol processing.
  4. Hydrate while you anticipate: Water is your friend! Drink lots before, during, and after alcohol consumption to stay hydrated.
  5. Pre-drink meal matters: Have a full meal 1-2 hours before drinking. This provides a base for your body to deal with the alcohol.
  6. Skip the junk: Avoid overly greasy or sugary foods that might upset your stomach and make hangovers worse.
  7. Fruits & veggies as sidekicks: While not the main focus, they still offer vitamins, and minerals and help with hydration.
  8. Moderation is key: Eating right helps, but nothing beats drinking alcohol in moderation for the best outcomes.
  9. Bonus: Eating while drinking helps too! It continues to slow down alcohol absorption.

How do I prepare for a drinking night?

  1. Consider alternatives: Before diving in, explore non-alcoholic options or activities you might enjoy.
  2. Set boundaries: Decide beforehand how much you’ll drink and stick to that limit.
  3. Arrange transportation: Plan a safe way to get home, like having a designated driver or using a ride-sharing service.

Taking Care of Yourself:

  1. Eat beforehand: A substantial meal rich in protein and complex carbohydrates can slow alcohol absorption.
  2. Hydrate: Drink plenty of water throughout the day and evening, even between alcoholic drinks.
  3. Pace yourself: Space out your drinks and avoid consuming them too quickly.
  4. Know your limits: Be aware of your tolerance and avoid exceeding it.
  5. Mind the mix: Avoid mixing different types of alcohol, as it can intensify negative effects.
  6. Listen to your body: Pay attention to how you feel and stop if you experience dizziness, nausea, or other signs of intoxication.

Remember, responsible drinking is crucial. Always prioritize your safety and well-being. If you choose to drink, do so thoughtfully and plan accordingly.

What foods should you avoid when drinking alcohol?

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