Does Matcha Have Caffeine? Top 5 Benefits of Matcha

Green tea from the Camellia sinensis plant is powdered and known as matcha. Compared to other varieties of green tea, it usually has a higher caffeine content. However, excessive caffeine consumption may also be hazardous.
The average matcha teagram (mg/g) of caffeine ranges from 18.9 to 44.4 mg. Compared to other varieties of green tea, this one has higher caffeine. Antioxidants like vitamin C, quercetin, and l-theanine are also present.

Describe Matcha Tea

A sort of green tea called matcha is created by powdering young tea leaves into a vivid green color. Next, hot water is mixed into the powder mixture. Unlike traditional green tea, which involves infusing the leaves in water before removing them, this isn’t the case. As co-author of The Book of Matcha and co-owner of the tea brand Teapigs, Louise Cheadle compares drinking brewed green tea to “boiling spinach, throwing away the spinach and just drinking the water.” “You’re wasting the best part, but you will get some of the nutrients.” When consuming matcha, the entire tea leaf is consumed.
On green tea bushes kept in the shade, matcha leaves are cultivated. The leaves become more vibrant green and nutrient-rich due to the increased chlorophyll content caused by the shadow. The leaves are harvested by hand, and the stems and veins are removed. Granite stones are typically used to grind the leaves into an extremely fine powder, according to Cheadle. “To preserve the nutrients, the leaves are ground for an hour in the dark,” the person claims.
She continues, “Japan grows the best matcha; it’s been used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies there for centuries.”

Caffeine’s Effects

Matcha tea may provide a slight boost in energy and attention, however, some people are not sensitive to caffeine. Others might encounter adverse consequences.
The following are a few possible indicators that someone is having adverse effects from caffeine:

  • Unease or “jitters”
  • rapid pulse
  • sick stomach
  • headache
  • inability to sleep
  • Caffeine sensitivity varies throughout individuals, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Trusted Source. Individuals who have underlying cardiac and other medical issues may also be more susceptible to the effects.

If an individual feels the effects of drinking excessive amounts of caffeine, it could be beneficial to:
water in large quantities

  • Consume food.
  • Take a stroll to alleviate tension.
  • to encourage tranquillity, take action, like watching a movie or reading a book, to divert their attention from their nervousness.
  • Caffeine overdose is rare, but it can happen. Someone should call 911 for emergency assistance if they suffer from confusion, hallucinations, breathing difficulties, convulsions, or other serious symptoms.

Matcha vs. Coffee: Top 5 Benefits of Matcha

advantages of matcha

Here are the top five reasons why matcha is the winner in the caffeine-off of matcha vs. coffee.

1. Matcha provides a stronger caffeine rush.

The body is severely affected by the caffeine high that comes from coffee. There’s a burst at the beginning and a crash at the end. This is the scientific rationale behind it. Increases in insulin, glucose, and adrenaline levels brought on by coffee make people jittery and uneasy.
In comparison, Matcha doesn’t do any of those. With about a sixth of the caffeine of coffee (25 mg compared to a usual 150 mg cup), it induces a relaxed, alert state of mind. It merely comes on slowly and goes off just as gently; there are no spikes or crashes.
How is it possible? A cup of matcha has 25 mg of caffeine, however, this caffeine is absorbed more slowly by the body because of the way it combines with the phytonutrients in the tea, particularly L-theanine.
It has been discovered that matcha has anti-cortisol properties. It helps your blood sugar stay stable and eases the strain on your adrenal glands. In particular, it is believed that matcha’s L-theanine lowers cortisol levels by inducing alpha waves in the brain, which result in a serene and calm alert state.

2. Improved breath

Compared to coffee or black tea, matcha is far more beneficial to your teeth. Due to its ability to inhibit the germs responsible for plaque, green tea is an effective supplement for regular dental care.  a lot of Japanese dentists advise drinking matcha every day!
Here’s the reason: A sort of sterilizing agent is provided by matcha’s exceptionally high catechin (especially EGCG) content. Because of their antimicrobial properties, these catechins essentially function as tiny “scrubbers” for plaque that can help stop cavities and periodontal disease.
A cup of matcha after a meal reduces the growth of bacteria that cause periodontal disease and halitosis (bad breath). Find out more at Why Dentists Adore Matcha.

3. Smoother skin

Though green tea has been increasingly common as an ingredient in skincare products, drinking matcha is the best method to reap its advantages for your skin. While matcha’s low caffeine content and healthful ingredients may work wonders for your complexion, coffee’s greater caffeine content may lead to physical stress and acne.
This review of 20 papers suggests that consuming green tea may help scavenge free radicals, prevent cancer, reduce hair loss, and slow down the aging of the skin.
It is believed that green tea served as a shield against sun damage because another study focusing on green tea and involving women between the ages of 40 and 65 discovered that those who drank green tea had skin that was 25% less red in response to UV radiation exposure. (However, please remember to wear sunscreen even if you start drinking matcha.) By the end of the trial, the tea-drinking group’s skin was also less dry and rough and more elastic than that of the non-tea-drinking group.

4. An increase in antioxidants

The antioxidant, catechin, flavonoid, and polyphenol content of matcha is absurdly high.
Berries, tea, and chocolate are rich sources of phenolic chemicals called catechins. Their antioxidant action is regarded as strong, and they can help prevent disease, control blood pressure, and encourage weight loss.
The majority of foods made from plants, including tea, include flavonoids, which are phenolic chemicals. Aside from their anti-inflammatory properties, they also shield body cells from oxidative damage, which helps prevent heart disease and other conditions like diabetes, cancer, and dementia.
Natural organic molecules called polyphenols are present in plant-based meals like matcha and act as organic antioxidants. They can help control blood pressure and sugar, improve circulation, lessen long-term vascular inflammation, and enhance cardiovascular health.
A study found that matcha includes EGCG, or epigallocatechin gallate, a powerful compound that has been associated with numerous health benefits and therapeutic implications for treating a wide range of illnesses, including cancer.

5. Making excellent matcha is far simpler than making excellent coffee

Though matcha is known to be tough to produce, is this really that difficult?
Place a cup of sifted tea in it.
Pour in hot water (maximum 170F; never boil!).
Just whisk; nothing more!
Attaining perfection requires merely thirty seconds – provided, naturally, that you begin with excellent matcha.
On the other hand, quality coffee requires precise measurement (20 grams appears to be the standard weight), fresh grinding, and either steaming or steeping utilizing a range of sophisticated and costly equipment. Waiting for the machine to complete its task is another.

What is the difference between matcha and other drinks?

Matcha has a higher caffeine content per gram than coffee and other teas, according to a study from 2021 However, there is a big difference in the amount of caffeine in each cup depending on how people boil or make their tea and coffee.
A comparison of some common caffeinated beverages’ caffeine contents may be seen in the following table.

Comparing caffeine content per gram

The following numbers indicate the amount of caffeine in each material per gram of coffee beans or tea leaves:

Type of drink Caffeinecontent per gram
Matcha18.9–44.4 mg/g
Black tea 14.3–34.8 mg/g
Green tea 11.3–24.67 mg/g
Coffee 10–12 mg/g

Comparison of caffeine content per cup

These four beverages have an average of the following amounts of caffeine per cup:
Beverage Caffeine content per cup

Type of drink Caffeinecontent per gram
Matcha around75.6 to 177.6 mg
Green tea 30–40 mg
Black tea 64–112 mg
Coffee 8080–100 mg


  1. Is caffeine in matcha higher than in coffee?
    Yes, matcha generally contains more caffeine than coffee when measured by volume. However, when comparing the caffeine content based on the actual amount of tea leaves or coffee beans used to make a serving, coffee often has more caffeine.
  2. Can matcha keep you awake?
    Matcha can keep you awake due to its caffeine content, similar to coffee. However, the effect of caffeine can vary from person to person based on factors such as sensitivity and tolerance.
  3. Is matcha better than coffee for anxiety?
    While both matcha and coffee contain caffeine, some people find that matcha provides more sustained and calm energy compared to the jittery and abrupt energy boost associated with coffee. The amino acid L-theanine in matcha is believed to have a calming effect, counteracting the potential anxiety-inducing effects of caffeine. However, individual responses may vary
  4. Does matcha powder have caffeine? Yes, matcha powder does contain caffeine. The caffeine content in matcha is a natural component of tea leaves. The concentration of caffeine in matcha can be influenced by factors like the tea plant variety, growing conditions, and processing methods.


Caffeine is present in matcha. A person’s usage of matcha powder and the age of the tea leaves are two important variables that affect the amount. It does, however, typically contain more caffeine than other kinds of tea.
Caffeine sensitivity varies from person to person. One might want to start by making a cup with just half a teaspoon to measure tolerance. Should they find this dosage tolerable, they may begin to boost the amount of matcha in their mug to get their desired level of strength.

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