How long Does Azithromycin Stay in your System?

Azithromycin tablets

After the final dose, azithromycin will remain in your system for around 15.5 days.
Azithromycin has a 68-hour elimination half-life. Widespread drug absorption and subsequent tissue release are assumed to be the causes of the extended terminal half-life.

A medication takes around 5.5 times its elimination half-life to leave your system. As a result, it would take 374 hours, or 15.5 days (5.5 x 68 hours), to erase it from the system. For that duration following the final dosage, it will therefore remain in your system.

Other things to think about

How much and how frequently you have taken the medication?

  • Your metabolic rate – a slower metabolism will extend the time a medicine stays in your system.
  • Your age and health – As you get older and sicker, the longer the medicine stays in your system.
  • Body mass: A substance will often stay in your system longer if you are larger.

What Is Azithromycin?

Azithromycin is an antibiotic classified as a macrolide antibiotic. It is also known by the Zithromax brand.

Azithromycin kills germs by preventing their development. The way it does this is by stopping the bacteria from making proteins needed for reproduction, which ultimately leads to the organism’s death.

What Is the Usage of Azithromycin?

The following types of bacterial infections are treated with azithromycin:

Symptoms may include pneumonia, bronchitis, infections in the lungs, ears, skin, sinuses, reproductive organs, and throat, as well as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Azithromycin can also be used to treat or prevent disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), a lung infection frequent in HIV patients.

Azithromycin can sometimes be used to treat the following infections:

  • Infection with H. pylori
  • Traveler’s diarrhea
  • Lyme illness
  • Legionnaires’ illness
  • Babesiosis and pertussis
  • Azithromycin is occasionally administered to patients having dental work done to avoid heart infections or sexual assault victims from developing STDs.

Warnings about Azithromycin

There are certain contraindications for azithromycin. Furthermore, it may interact with other medicines and specific health problems.

Generally Taken Care of

As with any other antibiotic or medication, contact your doctor or pharmacist if you have any allergies, particularly if you have previously been allergic to other macrolide-class treatments. Among them are erythromycin and clarithromycin.

It is also recommended that you consult with your doctor about any potential azithromycin interactions with other medications you may be taking. Never withhold information from them on both prescription and over-the-counter drugs, particularly blood thinners like warfarin. It is also advisable to let them know about any supplements, herbal products, and vitamins you may be using.

If you have previously suffered or are presently experiencing liver problems or jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin), particularly if it is caused by Azithromycin or other macrolides, you should request alternate antibiotics. Make sure your doctor is aware of any such cases.

Always use Azithromycin as prescribed by your physician. Never use more medication than is recommended for the specified amount of time. It is also unwise to discontinue medication before the end of the prescription. If you are feeling better before the treatment course concludes, you should visit your doctor first.

Discard any unused oral suspension azithromycin once the entire dose or treatment course has been finished, or 12 hours after it was prepared. Any Azithromycin oral suspension that remains after ten days should be discarded.

Azithromycin and Pregnancy

Azithromycin is classified as a category B pregnancy medication by the FDA. This indicates there is no demonstrated harm in humans, but there haven’t been enough well-controlled tests on pregnant women to draw a firm conclusion. Furthermore, animal experiments have demonstrated little to no risk.

While there have been no reported concerns of significant fetal abnormalities, miscarriage, or other poor delivery outcomes, women should exercise caution when taking antibiotics during pregnancy.

Taking Azithromycin while nursing may result in negative effects for the breastfed baby. These symptoms may include vomiting, rash, and diarrhea. Therefore, before using azithromycin while nursing, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider, especially an OB-GYN.

What Determines How Much Time Azithromycin Spends in Your Body?

The estimate that azithromycin will be in your system for 15.5 days is just that—an estimate. This is because a variety of factors might influence how long it takes the body to eliminate all of the medicine.

Both Amount and Frequency

The duration required for the body to eliminate azithromycin depends on how much of it is administered to you. Azithromycin, for instance, takes longer to exit the body at 500 mg than it does at 250 mg.

Similarly, because more of the medication is still present from earlier doses, the frequency of azithromycin administration can also impact how long it takes for the antibiotic to be eliminated. This means that someone who takes five doses is more likely to have it in their system longer than someone who merely takes three doses.

Rate of Metabolic Process

Your metabolic rate is the rate at which your body digests what you’ve eaten. In the case of food, this corresponds to the amount of energy expended or the number of calories burned.

A faster metabolic rate for antibiotics means that the medication will last less time in your body.

This is because your body breaks down the antibiotic and removes it more quickly than those with a slower metabolic rate.

Mass of Body

In general, the more you weigh and the bigger you are, the longer a medicine stays in your system.


Older people are more likely to have a substance in their system for an extended period. This might be the result of their organ systems’ inability to eliminate the drug as effectively as those of a younger body.


People in worse general health typically do not flush out drugs as quickly, which prolongs the duration of the drug’s presence in their system.

How is azithromycin taken?

Take azithromycin precisely as prescribed by your doctor. To limit the danger of getting an antibiotic-resistant infection, you must complete the entire course of your antibiotic, even if you feel better.

  • Do not take more or less of this medication than is prescribed.
  • Most oral azithromycin products can be taken with or without food.
  • Follow the instructions on the bottle for how to take the oral suspension.

To whom not to prescribe Azithromycin?

Although azithromycin is generally regarded as safe and effective for most people, it is not appropriate for everyone. Those diagnosed with the following disorders may experience significant consequences from the antibiotic:

Previous history of allergic reaction to azithromycin (or an antibiotic of the same class)

  • kidney or liver disease
  • Heart problems or an irregular pulse (arrhythmia)
  • Gravis myasthenia

Azithromycin has been shown to interact with a variety of drugs, including other antibiotics, antipsychotics, antacids, and others (see the section on drug interactions below). If you have a medical condition or use medication, your doctor will need a thorough grasp of your medical history and prescriptions.

Long-term Azithromycin usage

For most infections, a brief course of treatment with azithromycin is typically indicated. However, in cases such as cystic fibrosis or severe chronic obstructive lung disease, your doctor may recommend long-term medication.

If your doctor recommends low-dose azithromycin for long-term usage, they may do an ECG, complete blood count, and liver function tests to establish a baseline before you begin therapy. To make sure the advantages of using azithromycin continue to exceed any risks to your health, they can thus track the effects of the medication over time.

Methods for quitting Azithromycin

You ought to keep taking azithromycin as prescribed by your doctor. Even if you are feeling better, do not stop taking the antibiotic until told to. Stopping therapy in the middle raises the danger of your infection recurring or becoming antibiotic-resistant.

Reactions Allergic to Zithromycin

Some people are hypersensitive or allergic to azithromycin. In such instances, stop taking antibiotics and consult a doctor about an alternative treatment.

Typical signs of allergic responses to antibiotics include:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • difficulty swallowing
  • lip, tongue, throat, or facial swelling all at once
  • Rashes, hives, and itching

There have been reports of severe, potentially fatal adverse responses to azithromycin, such as:

  • Anaphylaxis occurs when the blood pressure drops suddenly and dramatically while the airways narrow, causing difficulty breathing or shock.
  • Angioedema, or swelling beneath the skin, can be dangerous if the swollen parts obstruct one’s breathing.
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome is distinguished by a painful, blistering rash and a withering top layer of affected skin.
  • Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis (AGEP) causes the skin to redden and become studded with sterile pustules the size of pinheads.
  • Eosinophilia-related drug reaction with systemic symptoms (DRESS) is a severe adverse drug reaction that can include one or more organs and cause fever, rash, swollen lymph nodes, and swollen glands.

When to Visit a Physician?

Azithromycin may have significant side effects, such as:

Symptoms may include dizziness and rapid, irregular, or hammering heart rate.
fainting, blisters, peeling skin, rash, fever, and hives.
Symptoms may include wheezing or trouble breathing, itching, skin redness and swelling, and pus-filled blisters.
Symptoms include yellowing of the eyes or skin, irregular bruising, and bleeding.
appetite declined
pink, puffy eyes, dark urine, and upper right stomach ache
You must contact a doctor right away or seek emergency medical attention if you are taking azithromycin and suffer any of the symptoms listed above.

How long does azithromycin keep working in your body?

A drug is typically eliminated from the body after 5.5 times its half-life, at which point it is no longer effective. As a result, Zithromax would take approximately 374 hours (5.5 x 68 hours), or 15.5 days, to be eliminated from the body.

Why azithromycin is given for 3 days only?

Because of its unique pharmacokinetic features, efficacy, and safety, azithromycin is commonly prescribed for three days. Short-term azithromycin treatment has some advantages, including greater compliance, decreased antibiotic resistance, and patient convenience.

How long does it take for azithromycin to clear an infection?

One oral dose of azithromycin can be taken with or without food. You must take it as prescribed by your physician. For azithromycin to cure chlamydia, around a week is required. Avoid having sex while undergoing therapy because it is still possible to pass or exacerbate the virus.

How long do side effects last after azithromycin?

Unwanted side effects typically go away as the drug takes effect in your body. However, some adverse effects may persist for up to two months after the medication is stopped.

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